
World’s Best Wildlife Viewing

01 Apr 2021 Jules Verne
Chobe Safari Lodge, Chobe National Park, Botswana, Elephant Orangutan In The Jungle Of Borneo Keel Billed Toucan Costa Rica Istock 1250266235 Leopard, Pom-Pom Island, Botswana Black Rhino, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Visit some of the few truly wild places left on earth

 Our wildlife itineraries visit some of the few truly wild places left on earth, complementing our ever-popular wildlife tours. They are all special and offer an insight into why we need to protect these habitats.

Big five of Africa

Elephants, zebras, hippos and big cats are icons of the African savannah. The dry season draws them all towards waterholes, making for incredible spectacles, while the green season brings new life to the herds and a carpet of wildflowers to the landscape. Mornings and evenings yield the most wildlife activity, with the hours between packed with adventure: exploring Victoria Falls, Okavango Delta or Mount Kilimanjaro. Safari in TanzaniaKenya and Botswana >

Blue whales of Sri Lanka

Isolated from mainland Asia, Sri Lanka’s wildlife is impressively biodiverse. The riotous endemic birdlife includes fig-eating Sri Lanka grey hornbill, neon-green hanging parrot (named for its ability to sleep upside-down!), emerald-collared Layard’s parakeet and Ceylon small barbet. Check in on the work being done to help sea-turtle numbers, while further offshore lurk the biggest stars of all – the blue whales. Weighing up to 173 tonnes, they migrate to the Indian Ocean during the Antarctic winter. Hop aboard a cruise to see them up close. Go wild in Sri Lanka >

Birds of Costa Rica
At the crossroads of two oceans and two continents, Costa Rica shelters a kaleidoscope of birdlife, from screeching scarlet macaws to hummingbirds browsing tropical flowers. Among the 850+ bird species look for toucans, green ibis, sunbitterns, multihued quetzals (right) and more, in dazzlingly diverse terrain from volcanic cloud forests to mangrove lagoons, not to mention turtles, monkeys and agoutis. Every day here will be like exploring paradise itself.

Black rhinos of Namibia
Famed for its inland “sea” of red sand dunes, white clay pans and shipwreck-strewn Skeleton Coast, Namibia is a bucket-list destination. Its National Parks are rich with iconic African wildlife. In the Sesriem Canyon, a life-
sustaining oasis in the Namib Desert, crystal-clear waters harbour fish, overlooked by baboons stalking the escarpments. The Skeleton Coast’s wildlife includes seal colonies, Benguela dolphins, orca and humpback whales; while inland creeks attract endangered black rhino as well as lions and springbok. Journey to Namibia >

Orangutans of Borneo
The rugged equatorial forests of Borneo have long sheltered orangutans. They spend most of their time in trees, constructing sleeping platforms, using tools and harvesting fruit. With numbers dwindling it’s difficult to see them in the wild, but the rehabilitation centre at Kota Kinabalu offers a chance to encounter rescued orangutans in their natural habitat. Also discover proboscis monkeys, pygmy elephants, sun bears and incredible birdlife as well as stilt villages, rainforest tribes and mangrove swamps.